
Educational background

  • Certificate in Web Designer at Microcamp (2010 - 2012).
  • Graduate in Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas (Analysis and Systems Development) in Fatec Baixada Santista - Rubens Lara. (2015 – First Semester of 2019).
  • Online Course: The Complete Sass & SCSS Course: From Beginner to Advanced.
  • Online Course: Node.js by NodeBR.
  • Certification: Scrum Professional Certificate (SFPC)

Professional background

E2X (December 2020 – Present) - Front End Developer

In this company, I worked in a board game app, which used technologies such as: Typescript, React, GraphQL, Material UI, AWS services and also used TDD with Jest and automated testing with Cypress. The company use scrum as agile methodology and GitHub as project repository.

QZela (January 2020 – November 2020) - Full Stack Developer/Senior Front End Developer

In this company, the principal product is an app of urban janitorial occurrences, so besides the maintenance, I work in new features and improvements of the system that manages the application.

The project was built using React and Typescript, and also uses GraphQL to fetch the API data. I’ve developed a new feature for the user to search for occurrences through polygons on the map (using react-google-maps).

I also developed the new company’s website using Gatsby JS and Netlify. They used GitHub as a project repository.

AGE (May 2019 – January 2020) - Front-end Developer Senior

This company had a legacy system (SOC) as the biggest product (with 1.410 clients) and the front-end team was responsible for the beginning of the construction of the new system version and also bringing in new technologies to other projects.

We developed the beginning of the new version of the legacy system (with all the components in a styleguide, key pages).

I’ve implemented Gulp as automatic task runner and npm packages in the new version of the legacy system and on the new pages of the company’s website.

We developed a search website with Google Maps API and React.

I’ve worked with SCRUM and kanban as agile methodologies, we used Figma to crop the layouts and had contact with a lot of teams such as UX/UI, publicity and back-end developers.

We used TortoiseGit as Project Repository.

WebNets (June 2011 – May 2019) - Front-End Developer

In this company I developed a lot of responsive and accessible projects, such as static websites, e-commerce, landing pages and prefectures websites, some with the mobile-first concept and some using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Google Material Design.

I Worked with the Javascript Google Maps API, built the accessibility features that have been implemented on almost every site and developed some smaller companies websites, blogs and prefectures websites using Gulp and Jekyll

I helped to implement gulp in the company and backend developers to understand Vanilla JS and learned how to manage project repositories using Tortoise SVN

Had contact with some projects that used jQuery and some .NET projects using MVC.